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Do you know leather peeling?

/Do you know leather peeling?

Do you know leather peeling?

Leather peeling means using a specific tool to make leather thinner so as to meet the thickness requirement for making leather product. Different kind of leather has different texture and thickness. Take cowhide as an example. Thickness of every piece is different. Basically, the thickness is around 1.1 to 1.3 mm; some will be thicker like oiled leather. The leather in this thickness would be too thick for making leather product. For the leather that is considerably thick will be peeled using leather skiver machine to adjust the thickness. After finishing this step, the leather will be peeled further to make it suitable for sewing. Especially after folding, the thickness will be double which would be too thick to the pressing foot of sewing machine. To some style of leather product, which are edge-painted or without folding, the leather is no need to be peeled for second time.

By | 2016-12-24T17:04:39+08:00 April 23rd, 2016|Categories: Bag knowledge|